What is Pristine Mind Foundation?

Pristine Mind Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping people live fully, die fearlessly, and transform every area of their lives by offering accessible and experiential Buddhist teachings. Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche describes Pristine Mind Foundation in this short video:

What is the best way for a beginner to learn more?

There are some guides and tips on getting started with a meditation practice on this website. You can start by reading these 5 Tips on Meditation and our Learn to Meditate article to begin.

The best way to learn to meditate is to come to a teaching in person. If you would like to know about upcoming opportunities to attend, please visit the Programs area of our website or sign up for our newsletter to receive schedule updates.

The most important thing to remember is to be patient. As with anything meaningful, it takes time to develop a strong meditation practice.

What is the proper etiquette for attending a teaching?

Please plan to arrive a few minutes early for any teaching event. This will give you time to sign in, find a seat, and get comfortable. When Rinpoche enters the room to teach, students typically stand out of respect, and take their seats after he sits. In most cases, we remove our shoes prior to entering the room where the teaching is held; you may wish to wear or bring warm socks. We listen quietly during the teaching, and often Rinpoche provides an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

I have no experience with meditation, can I still attend?

Definitely. Almost all our programs are appropriate for beginners. Each event will have a program description that lays out the details of what to expect. You can use this as a guide to determine if it is suitable for you. And if you have any questions, you can always ask us.

Who attends these programs?

Our community ranges from students who have been studying meditation for decades to those who are brand new to it. We come from around the world and include young professionals, students, seniors, healthcare practitioners, lawyers, writers, educators, techies, entrepreneurs, artists, and more. We share a common passion for learning how to live fully and improve every area of our lives.

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Five Tips on Meditation

Follow these five steps to an effective meditation practice. Learn why to meditate, how to meditate, how to work with the body and mind to develop the actual experience of meditation. More →

Learn to Meditate

Learn a meditation technique called Calm Abiding meditation, which is also known as Shamatha (Sanskrit) or Shiné (Tibetan) More →