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Legacy Giving

Legacy Gifts through estate planning are a meaningful way to leave an impact on the future of Pristine Mind Foundation and can also provide an array of tax advantages for donors. Several examples of these types of gifts are bequests, charitable trusts, and beneficiary designations through retirement accounts and life insurance.

Though Legacy Giving, you can help Pristine Mind Foundation ensure that these enlightened teachings are sustained and remain within the world so that future generations can continue to benefit from them and transform their lives.

For those who have included Pristine Mind Foundation in their estate plans, we invite you to join our Legacy Circle.

To join the Pristine Mind Foundation Legacy Circle, please complete this Letter of Intent or contact us at [email protected] or 415.526.3778. If you would like to view some samples of will clause language, you can find them here.

Thank you for considering Pristine Mind Foundation as part of the legacy you leave in this world.

“The real human goal is to reach enlightenment, to have extraordinary consciousness. If you have extraordinary consciousness, you can help many beings throughout the universe. That is worthwhile. You are not just taking care of yourself; you are helping countless beings.”
— Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche

Five Tips on Meditation

Follow these five steps to an effective meditation practice. Learn why to meditate, how to meditate, how to work with the body and mind to develop the actual experience of meditation. More →

Learn to Meditate

Learn a meditation technique called Calm Abiding meditation, which is also known as Shamatha (Sanskrit) or Shiné (Tibetan) More →