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Check Donations

If you would like to donate by check, please make checks payable to “Pristine Mind Foundation”. Checks can be mailed to:

Pristine Mind Foundation
P.O. Box 10671
San Rafael, CA

Corporate Matching Gifts

If your company has a matching gift program and you have given a gift to Pristine Mind Foundation in this calendar year, it may still be eligible for your company to match. You can obtain a matching-gift form from your human resources department and submit it to Pristine Mind Foundation to increase the impact of your gift!

Legacy Giving

Legacy gifts include bequests made in a will or trust, beneficiary designations of a life insurance policy or retirement plan, charitable trusts, and more. These vehicles provide a variety of tax benefits to you and ensure our ongoing sustainability and the continuity of the pristine mind teachings. For more information about Legacy Giving, click here.

Gifts of Stock

Securities or stocks held more than one year, and that have increased in value, make extremely effective charitable gifts. For more information about contributing stock, please contact [email protected]

For more information on ways to give, or if you have an idea for how to support Pristine Mind Foundation, please contact [email protected]

Pristine Mind Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our tax ID is 68-0473665 and we are registered under the name Pristine Mind Foundation. Contributions are tax-deductible, as allowed by the law. No taxable goods or services are provided in consideration of gifts, unless stated otherwise.

Five Tips on Meditation

Follow these five steps to an effective meditation practice. Learn why to meditate, how to meditate, how to work with the body and mind to develop the actual experience of meditation. More →

Learn to Meditate

Learn a meditation technique called Calm Abiding meditation, which is also known as Shamatha (Sanskrit) or Shiné (Tibetan) More →