
Save the Date | Upcoming Retreats in 2025

With Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche

Open Dates
Online and In-Person
We're happy to have confirmed the dates for many of our upcoming retreats 2025. We wanted to share these dates with you so you may save the dates on your calendar and plan accordingly. We will send separate announcements with further details as we open registration for these retreats and schedule additional events.

Online Ngondro Retreat: Essential Prerequisites to the Practice of Dzogchen

With Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche

Open Dates
Online (On-Demand Video and Audio Recordings)
Rinpoche has decided to offer teachings on the Ngondro practices, particularly as an important foundational step and a prerequisite for those students interested in receiving Dzogchen teachings now and in the future.

Local and Online Pristine Mind Meditation Groups

Open Dates
If you are interested in joining a Pristine Mind Meditation Group near you or online, please contact the coordinator listed or contact us and we will be happy to provide you with more information on groups in your area.