
All Programs List

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Open Dates Online Ngondro Retreat: Essential Prerequisites to the Practice of Dzogchen Online (On-Demand Video and Audio Recordings)
Open Dates Weekly Guided Meditation and Teaching | Free Live Stream Online
Open Dates Local Pristine Mind Meditation Groups Various
August 30 - September 3, 2024 5-Day Pure Awareness Meditation Retreat Intensive
In-Person in Petaluma, CA, or Online via Zoom
September 13 - 15, 2024 Weekend Retreat in Normandy, France Ancient Chateau of Fauguernon, Normandy, France
September 19 - 22, 2024 The Thirty-Seven Practices of the Bodhisattvas in Umbria, Italy Centro Dorje Ling sul Lago di Piediluco (TR), Umbria
September 24, 2024 Pristine Mind Teachings and Book Talk in Florence, Italy Libreria Libraccio, via De' Cerretani, Firenze
September 27 - 29, 2024 Retreat in Bologna, Italy on Longchen Nyingtik Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava Practice: The Key to Unlocking the Nature of Mind of Dzogchen Ronzano Hermitage in Via di Gaibola 18, 40136, Bologna
October 12 - 13, 2024 Weekend Retreat in Paris, France Dana Centre, Paris, France
October 16, 2024 Public Talk on Longchenpa’s Wisdom with Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche at the London Buddhist Society London Buddhist Society
October 18, 2024 From Mindfulness to Pristine Mind at Sangyé Yoga School in London Sangyé Yoga School London
October 19 - 20, 2024 Dream Yoga Retreat with Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche at Alternatives in London Regents University Inner Circle, London NW1 4NS, United Kingdom
November 8 - 12, 2024 5-Day Dzogchen Retreat: The Three Words of Garab Dorje
In-Person in Petaluma, CA, or Online via Zoom